Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Day after Christmas The day after Christmas is traditionally known as Boxing Day, though this isn't observed in the U.S. But maybe it should be! As I understand it, Boxing Day derives its name from the boxes of leftover food and perhaps old clothes given to the poor on the day after Christmas. I've run across some other thoughts on the origin of both name and holiday recently, but all basically have to do with giving away boxes of something to the less fortunate. We have a new tradition in the U.S., though. It's called the "After-Christmas Sale." It is, as one ad I saw said, the day to get yourself all the things that you really wanted for Christmas. So on the day after we celebrate the birth of Christ by yes, giving, but also receiving gifts... we follow this up by getting, and getting, and getting some more. It seems a little unbalanced. So what do you think? Is it time to reinstate Boxing Day? Maybe we should take this on as individuals, and make plans to spend this day giving to others in some way. I think I'll put it on my calendar for next year. December 1: Think of ways to serve others after Christmas. Would anyone like to join me?

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